Friday, November 29, 2019

U.S. Military Medical Standards for Hearing

U.S. Military Medical Standards for HearingU.S. Military Medical Standards for HearingThe disqualifying medical conditions are listed below. The International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes are listed in parentheses following each standard. The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment, and induction (without an approved waiver) are an authenticated history of a. Audiometers, calibrated to standards of the International Standards Organization (ISO 1964) or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI 1996), will be used to test the hearing of all applicants. b. All audiometric tracings or audiometric readings recorded on reports of medical examination or other medical records will be clearly identified. c. Acceptable audiometric hearing levels (both ears) are (1) Pure tone at 500, 1000, and 2000 cycles per second of not more than 30 decibels (dB) on the average (each ear), with no individual level greater than 35dB at these frequencies.(2) Pure tone level not more th an 45 dB at 3000 cycles per second each ear, and 55 dB at 4000 cycles per second each ear. Derived from Department of Defense (DOD) Directive 6130.3, Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, and Induction, and DOD Instruction 6130.4, Criteria and Procedure Requirements for Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction in the Armed Forces.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Handle a Quarter-Life Crisis- The Muse

How to Handle a Quarter-Life Crisis- The MuseHow to Handle a Quarter-Life CrisisMove over mid-life crisis, youre not the only game in town. Many people experience whats dubbed the quarter-life crisis, the transition between your early and late 20s, in which you set your foundations in the real world and really begin your career. Its not an easy time. Often, its a stark realization that the universe doesnt automatically honor the vision you had for your career path, relationships, health, and work-life balance. And sometimes this happens all at once Your relationship ends, your job isnt what you expected (or you cant find one), your social circle changes weekly, and bills prevent you from saving as much as youd like. So when your quarter-life crisis hits, you may think time to quit my job and backpack around Asia. Thats one option, but you can also use it as a calling to re-align your career ambitions exactly where you are. Here are three things that you may be thinking, and how to ma ke sense of them without (potentially) ruining your career.1. You Want Your Work to MatterThe uncertainty hits close to work because it becomes home for many of us. In your young professional life, your job may be the fruchtwein consistent part of your day-to-day You spend 40- or more- hours there each week (not including the commute back and forth), see the team more often than family or friends, and pour your eager efforts into it. Feeling restless or dissatisfied in your first few jobs isnt always cause for alarm It indicates that you want this part of your life to be reflected in a more impactful or meaningful way- and thats totally normal. Adam Smiley Poswolsky, Millennial expert and author of The Quarter-Life Breakthrough, writes in an article for Fast Company that more than 50% of Millennials say they would take a pay cut to find work that matches their values, while 90% want to use their skills for good.Perhaps, since graduation, you judged career prospects on things such as pay (hello, student loans) and title. However, to find fulfillment at work, youll need to consider other factors such as stress level, continuous learning, organizational culture- and yes, impact. So, if youre not feeling inspired, your current situation could be to blame. However, that doesnt mean you have to quit. Can you find fulfilling opportunities within your organization by taking on new responsibilities? If not, maybe becoming more engaged outside of work, through activities such as volunteering or starting up a side gig, will help you feel better about your job.2. Your Strengths (and Weaknesses) Are AmplifiedYou had 18 years to practice getting good at schoolwork. But giving presentations, conducting sales calls, or writing corporate messaging may not be your strong suit. Youre not used to feeling like a rookie, and its hard to feel good about what you do each day if you dont think youre doing a great job. In a quarter-life crisis, you may fixate on one part of your sttte that requires a skill set thats not as well-developed, while forgetting that in another aspect youre a clear leader. Or you may wonder why you havent been promoted. While reflecting on your areas for improvement will serve you well in the long run, many young professionals lack the mentorship and tools to process the information and utilize it to strengthen their work. If youre feeling overwhelmed by this influx of self-knowledge, you can connect with a mentor or a career coach. Share your observations, any feedback youve received, and how youre feeling about your contributions at work. Gaining a third-party perspective from someone outside of your team will provide you with new tools and resources. For example, your coach may guide you in asking your manager if you could specialize in an area of strength, while taking a class to improve another skill set. Or your coach may encourage you to join a group outside of work where you can express your strengths more creatively. 3. Your Fi ve-Year Plan Doesnt Feel RightBased on your five-year plan, you are right on schedule. But, you feel stuck and unhappy. Does this sound familiar? Christine Hassler, life coach and author, writes in her book 20-Something, 20-Everything We think we must decide in our twenties who we want to be for the rest of our lives, but we dont- our goals can and do change.No matter how perfect your five-year plan is, there will be unexpected challenges, opportunities, and revelations. As you learn about the reality of a job, organization, industry, lifestyle, or location, your knowledge base grows. Twenty-somethings may feel confused if their original ideas begin to look misaligned or unrealistic. While it may be your first instinct to run far away and never goal-set again, consider this Its okay to rewrite your plans and leave room for updated knowledge. Try this Connect with a few colleagues or connections who are five to 10 years ahead of you in the industry or job youre interested in. Ask the m for 20 minutes of their time- in person, over the phone, or email (whatever works best for them). Prepare five questions regarding their day-to-day, challenges, growth opportunities, sacrifices made, and most important skill sets. How do their experiences match with the values, work, and strengths you have determined to be important factors going forward? Getting into the habit of investigating your potential future before crafting a career plan can help you define clear goals and motivations, so you save yourself from feeling locked in. The quarter-life crisis can be scary, but you will get through it If youre experiencing any of the feelings above, know that your future is still unwritten and full of opportunity (and that backpacking trips will most likely always be on your list of things to do). With the right tools and attention, your crisis will likely lead to a more wholesome, fulfilling, and expansive career.Photo of woman thinking courtesy of Shutterstock.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Hiring Managers Can Recruit the Best Employees

How Hiring Managers Can Recruit the Best EmployeesHow Hiring Managers Can Recruit the Best EmployeesRecruiting is not an HR job. If youre a hiring manager, recruiting is your responsibility, not HRs. Yes, human resources can, and should, help, but you need to own your decision. If you want a closer look at why this is important, read Why We Shouldnt Hate HR Finding The Best Talent To hire the right candidate you need the right job description. If your job description isnt right youll only waste time and youll hire the wrong person. Take the time to write descriptions of the position thoughtfully, so its easily understood by recruiters and candidates. Writing an accurate position description saves time and helps to keep frustration levels low.No matter what kind of labor market youre dealing with, youll always get more resumes than you need or want. Because it can be overwhelming to screen all those online resumes to find the best candidates its best to simply start at the beginni ng and learn to delegate some of this task to HR and others on your team. Establish ahead of time the guidelines and criteria you will use to evaluate the candidates Next, learn to trust your instincts. If something jumps out at you as wrong, trust that theres something wrong with the applicant. Remember, ultimately the new hire is your responsibility. When the screening of the candidates is done, invite the top two or three candidates in for an interview. Think ahead of time what questions youll ask and what answers youre looking for. If youre unsure what questions to ask, here are someJob bewerbungsinterview Questions to Ask.In most companies, the most valuable commodity and essential element of success, rests with the small pool of talented people on your team Here are the steps you need to take to Manage the Talent Pool.Too many hiring managers write job descriptions based on skills theyre looking for rather than looking for talent. A skill is a learned competency. And while alm ost anyone can be taught a particular skill, talent is much more rare and valuable. Be sure you Hire Talent, Not Skills. Dont let your own insecurities get in the way of hiring the best people just because someone possesses your positive qualities. Youll have a stronger, more productive team and others will recognize your talent because they know As hire As and Bs hire Cs. Other Hiring Considerations As a manager, you have to make many subjective decisions and seldom will you have all the information you want before making a decision. Simply use your best judgment and make the best decision you can. One decision a hiring manager has to make that cant be delegated is whether you should Hire Overqualified Workers. Some candidates will tell you they plan to leave too soon, others that they are hard to manage, and still others that they are too expensive. Ultimately, you need to make your decision based on the quality of your team and what its particular needs are. Like overqualifie d workers, hiring managers have a similar decision to make about hiring Older Workers. You may need to weigh their outdated technology skills with what else they bring the team, such as stability. Ask yourself if they are too slow or does their experience in other companies, or industries, give them insights that can help your team innovate. Again, its a decision only you as the hiring manager can make. This cant be delegated to HR or anyone else on the team. Related Recruiting Factors Candidates may not ask you about your Company Culture, but they should. If not, you still need to consider if the potential new hire will fit in before making an offer. Candidates dont have to be carbon copies of everyone else (and sometimes fresh blood can shake things up for the better) but you need to consider the potential impact ahead of time if someone is truly a bad fit. Another factor many potential employees care about is Training Opportunities. They want to know if they will be able to i mprove their skills and advance in their profession. Also, its important to identify beforehand what training someone requires so you can bring them up to speed at the same time youre letting them know what training will be available to them.